Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Lessons for Life #33

Ever heard of a word "impossible". Can you think of a way to break it down having a completely opposite meaning. Nope...? Let me do it for you:- "I'm possible". At least know you can see that things even like impossible require a little effort for making them possible.

Similar is the case with word "Imperfect". You can break it into "I'm perfect". You see that every being on this earth is different from another, the things worst for one may be best for another. Often there is perfect sense to something which can be thought of as a imperfect.

So open your eyes and look par imperfections, you will definitely see some perfections in everyone.

Have a great day. :) 

Monday, 29 September 2014

World around YOU..!!

So learn to stop sometimes to notice the world and you will realize how much you are missing..!!

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Lessons for Life #32

You will agree with me on this one. The words from your mouth are like an arrow released from a bow. Once it releases it only goes forward and never backwards. Same goes with the words you speak. Once they come out of your mouth, they can never be forgotten and only forgiven if you are lucky enough for it.

Next time you are about to speak something, just pause and think about it. May be at the end of thinking process you will drop down the plan of actually saying those words.

B bye, have a great one...!!!   

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Lessons for Life #31

Time is the biggest thing to help us. One must follow the time because it doesn't stops for anyone. Sometimes to move on with time is the only solution for a given problem.

Same is the case with LIFE, it always goes on and one must always move on with their everyday life even if it is difficult. Life is never too short to stop living, life has many things to offer you only if you do your part and leave the past behind yourself. Have faith and move on to see other beauties of life.

Next time you are in a situation, remember to take another step forward for "Life Goes On" irrespective of how hard it is to move on.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Lessons for Life #30

The next one is about the beginning of any task. You might have heard from everyone- "Well begun is half done". Have you thought why that is said so often. The reason being Beginning is always the HARDEST. This approach is present everywhere around you. Simple example is the exam papers where questions in the beginning are usually hardest than the rest of the questions. That is normally done to hit the candidate hard mentally and thereby decreasing their confidence.
So never give up at the start thinking that it might be hardest. Just put in your 100% and the follow up after the first one will be easy one. 

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Lessons for Life #29

The next one is pretty clear from the picture above. In general everyone possesses a Heart and a Brain. In a situation when are stuck we might hear to our heart or to the brain. The GOD must have thought something before gifting us both of them. So the best way to live your life is to listen to both the gifts i.e. your Brain as well as Heart whenever you are stuck at a point. This balance is very difficult to maintain since there are some who goes by whatever their brain says whereas on the other hand there are people who will suggest you to always follow your heart.

I would say the best results can be found if one creates a balance between them, listens to both, carefully analyze the situation and then take any step because after critical analysis you would see that sometimes its better to go with heart. Whereas brain will guide you to your destinations at other time.

So next time you are in a situation, take a break, listen to both and then take a decision.

Have a great day. :)

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


You might find yourself all over again after reading this. It is quite a long but its worth at the end.

It was my junior year of college right before Thanksgiving and all I could think about was how many days were left before Christmas vacation when I’d be back home to see my new fiancĂ©. Well, all up until 5am one morning when I awoke from an awful dream. I sat up in my bed, called my mother and told my mom, “I think (insert name) is cheating on me.” Now, if you knew (insert name) and I, you would know that he would’ve never been the one cheating. Everyone, including me, thought that this man would’ve done anything for me and straying would be the last thing I or anyone else would’ve ever considered. So much so that when those words came out of my mouth, it felt like a foreign language. But I knew. Every part of me knew. I never thought a second of it before, but in that moment, I would’ve bet my life on it. That knowingness led to the phone call to my mother who then informed me that (insert name) had never come home the previous night. He had moved in with my family during that year as he was having trouble with his own family, so my mom pretty much knew his comings and goings. This was the first time he ever did anything like this and it just so happened to be on the night that I had this dream. This wasn’t the first time I had dreamt stuff that happened to come true. A story worth telling another time. I knew he had this new girl “best friend” that he worked with, and for some reason, I decided that I would call her house. Yes, it was five AM, and yes, that seems a bit psychotic, but in the moment, it seemed pretty logical to me. I called, she answered, I asked for him and she handed him the phone. Not only was he sleeping over her house but obviously right next to her as it took about 1. 5 seconds for him to come to the phone. There was nothing for him to say or do except let out a long sigh on the phone. That was it. We were done. Five years of a relationship ended over a dream. Of course there were the talks, the breakdowns, the making up for a night, the screaming, crying, trying again for a minute and finally, it was over. It was actually over for the next 15 years. What I mean by that is that I stayed single. Don’t get me wrong, I dated, but I never got involved in another serious relationship. It might seem pretty bleak and sad and well, just plain pathetic, but what happened over the course of those 15 years was something that was worth all 5,475 days of singledom. I fell in love, again. And the person with whom was worth every second of that fifteen years was myself. That’s right. I took a fifteen year journey to find the love of my life was me all along. And what a journey it was. A journey that I highly encourage every person to pack their bags and take.

Perhaps fifteen years might seem a bit extreme to some (normal) people, however, we all require different experiences to learn certain lessons. Some of us even require those lessons learned a few times. What I find interesting though when I look at people and their relationships, they spend so much time courting and trying to win somebody else over and they sacrifice so much of themselves for someone else, but they rarely give themselves that same kind of attention and love. We are so quick to defend and protect someone else but in a second we would beat ourselves up over something we said or did. We spend so much time punishing ourselves for our past mistakes and playing those old tapes in our heads telling us how we aren’t good enough and we don’t deserve happiness, etc. If we gave ourselves the same amount of support, love, encouragement and chances we give to others, we’d probably have a lot better relationships with people because we would need a lot less from them.

So what the heck did I do with myself over that time? I learned about myself. I learned what I didn’t want which ultimately led to knowing what I did want. I took myself out to dinners and movies. I read books. I even tried my hand at art. That didn’t go well. I wrote. I wrote some more and then I wrote some more. I spent time with my friends. I learned about eating well and exercising. Yes, I went on dates, but never dates that would lead anywhere. Not purposely. I mean, I thought I wanted them too, but I think the universe knew that I needed to do some inner work first before I was ready to try to make a relationship work with someone else. Those dates never ended well. I got hurt. I basically put myself in situations that forced me to either breakdown and never want to leave my bed, or look at myself more closely and figure out who I was and why I was worth loving. I mean if I couldn’t see the beauty and perfection in myself, how could I expect anyone else to? I began having a love affair with myself. I know that sounds weird, but it is the most highly recommended advice I could ever dole out. The greatest thing about dating myself was I always got to see the movies I wanted, go to the restaurants I wanted and basically got to call all the shots. If you know me on a personal level, this was definitely a match made in heaven.

Of course there was a lot more “work” involved in this courting of myself, but my point of all of this is, we really need to start investing in ourselves. We really need to start being kinder to ourselves. We need to start complimenting ourselves, encouraging ourselves, taking care of ourselves and ultimately doing exactly what we would do to someone we are in love with. We need to be the example to someone else of how we want and deserve to be treated. We need to set the bar so our partner and others in general know how to treat us. If we aren’t able to provide the support, love and life we ultimately want for ourselves, then we will spend forever trying to get that from someone else and nobody will ever be able to fulfill that role which will ultimately lead to disappointment on your part. We are meant to share our BEST selves with each other. Our WHOLE selves. Our FULFILLED selves. We are meant to bring that into our relationships with one another and watch the beauty of the two lives intertwine to create a beautiful new life together.

So wherever you are right now along your journey in life, make sure that you are giving yourself everything that you would want from someone else. For goodness sake, every time I wake up in the morning, I look in the mirror and sweet talk myself. On my way out the door, I actually say “Go get ‘em gorgeous!” I know it might sound crazy, but damn, I give good compliments and I’m worth every single one of them!
I am now in a new relationship after my many years of being “single” and I believe the greatest thing that I have brought into this new relationship is my love for myself. My wish for you is that you take the time you are deserving of and find all the reasons why you are worth loving and then get your booty out there and share your unique light with the world! I promise that what you discover along the way, will be the most satisfying, fulfilling and beautiful partner you could ever wish for! YOU! Aren't you worth the time?

Above note is from the following FB page:-

SHARIng (Sunshine & Love) with SHARI 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Lessons for Life #28

There are certain events in one's life which influence them a lot and these events may be inducing a positive vibe or striking them with full force. But you should stand firmly against it and face it with all your strength. It may hurt you a lot but remember that these moments will be some of the turning moments of your life. So you must be ready to face these life defining moments and also for taking any difficult step if that's needed to get past that situation.

Looking back from the future you will definitely agree that the change it inflicted was mandatory for who you are today and your present condition. You will also realize that it changed your life, but for the better.

Have a great day ahead. :)

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Shakuntala Devi- Legend of Mathematics.

Shakuntala Devi, Popularly known as the Human Computer for her awesome ability to mentally solve complex mathematical problems.

Without any formal education as a child, Shakuntala Devi had the ability to memorize and calculate numbers mentally. An ability her circus artist father discovered while playing cards with her, when she was just three. He apparently found that she beat him not by sleight of hand, but by memorizing the cards.

In 1977 in USA, Shakuntala Devi competed with a computer to see who gives the cube root of 188132517 faster, she won. On June 18, 1980, the Human computer, Shakuntala Devi demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 × 2,465,099,745,779 picked at random by the Computer Department of Imperial College, London. She answered 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730 in 28 seconds. This event is mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records.

With the ability to calculate the cube root of 61,629,875, and the seventh root of 170,859,375 without writing it down or using a calculator, Shakuntala Devi's abilities were studied by Arthur Jensen, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley in 1988.

Jensen wrote in his report that the calculation was done and answers given even before he wrote the answer in his notebook. The findings were published in the academic journal Intelligence in 1990.

In April 2013, Shakuntala Devi passed away in a hospital in Bangalore from complications of the heart and kidneys at the age of 83. Devi wrote a number of books with titles like Fun with Numbers and Puzzles to Puzzle You.

Great Salute to such a legend and India is blessed to have such personalities who made Indians proud by their achievements.

Pic Credits- The Logical Indian

Lessons for Life #27

Next one is from Simple Reminders, and the picture itself has to offer a lot. All the people in the world are different from one another and thus are unique. And it takes to bring a change among 7 billion population on this earth is a single person. Everyone of us has that potential to bring the change and that is the reason we are here on earth.

So be that person to bring a change that will matter to all others. :) 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Proud to be SIKH

Lessons for Life #26

In life many a times you face a situations where you are stuck & just wanna give up and move on. But at that point of time just ask yourself whether that situation will get better if you leave it. I think you will agree with me when i say that situation won't change until someone steps in and put some effort. So why that someone can't be you because at the end of the day the situation is yours.

So better have a commitment to give your best shot and constant effort till you achieve success in that situation. You can compare it with a maths problem in which maximum people stuck at a certain point. Now you can either move on to next question or have a commitment to solve it. And if you have the commitment, in the end you will be moving to your next problem but after finishing the present one. :)

Have a great day ahead. 

Friday, 19 September 2014

Lessons for Life #25

This one is 100% correct. If you really want to escape the problem of remembering what you said, then there is only way. That is tell the truth every time instead of using lies at some points of your life. If you tell the truth then there is no need to remember it because you already know the truth and it doesn't change with different situations as is the case with lies.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Lessons for Life #24

You might me wondering what makes a person rich in this world. Most of people would think the answer to it is "money". But the answer is your heart and the bigger your heart is the more rich you are.  I agree that money can buy you many things but not everything. With only money you might be happy but not greater than the case where you have big heart.

If a person with big heart and one with big bank balance are compared then the one with bank balance may or may not be happy but one with big heart will definitely be happy so indirectly more rich. :)

Sweet Lies

Life has never promised you anything...

Nor has God..

But people did..

Some said they will never leave you..


Some said they will love you till death..


Sum said you are the most precious one..


Life is made of such sweet Lies...

All that matters is, how you faced the time you finally realized those were just lies...

We may ask "wouldn't life be much better without these lies??"

But the truth is,
The times you lived on those big lies were the only times you lived...!!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Lessons for Life #22

Nowadays you can find a smartphone in every other hand or even more often. And in each one of that you will definitely find a camera. You might be using one for a long time now but have you ever tried and compared it with your life instead of capturing moments of your life with it?

Let us consider this image for the comparison. The functions of the camera are the ones we can use in our day to day experiences. First of all focus on the things that are important because there is too much to experience but life is too short for all of them, just like we can capture as much as we can but still the maximum possible capture is restricted by the total available memory.

After focusing on what's important capture and remember the moments of your life which you spent being happy, because that are the times you truly lived and those are the only times you would like to visit down your memory lane in the future.

Develop from negatives is the another one. We all have some negative experiences in our life and that leave us with two options: Either we can use them to make an excuse and curse life for being so hard or we can face them head to head, learn and develop from them so that next time we are strong enough to be not affected by experiences like those. I prefer the second one because there are more good experiences to continue with our life rather then few bad ones to give up.

Finally if for any reason things are not working out fine just get back to the last check point of your life and take another shot for its never, never too late to start that phase of your life again.

Hope these will help you at some point of your wonderful life.

Have a great day...!!!

Monday, 15 September 2014

Lessons for Life #21

You gotta believe in yourself in each and every situation. You might have heard that god help those who help themselves. Similar is the case with this as well. For others to believe in yourself you should first believe in yourself.

Have a great day. :)

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Glories from the Past: Battle of Saragarhi

12th September marks the Battle of Saragarhi that took place in 1897. It is the incredible story of 21 Sikh soldiers against the ferocious Pathan (Afghan) tribesmen, numbering close to 10,000. The staggering ratio of 1: 416 stacked against the Sikhs was both unmatched and unprecedented, making their "last stand" at Saragarhi as the greatest odds faced by any troops in the history of modern warfare. The Battle at Saragarhi is one of eight stories of collective bravery published by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). It has been mentioned as one of the five most significant events of its kind in the world which includes the Saga of Thermoplyae associated with the heroic stand of a small Greek force against the mighty Persian Army of Xerxes in 480 B.C.

To view more details follow the link below:


Image by Sikh Comics

Lessons for Life #20

We lead a life where we have to face tests or tasks regularly. And we may thought that they are there so that we may know about ourselves and our weakness. But the story doesn't end here. Sometime these tasks are there so that we may get to know what we are truly capable of and in that process we may discover our new strengths which might not be exposed otherwise.

So next time you see a challenge remember to give more than 100% and that may end up with you discovering new horizons about yourself.


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Lessons for LIfe #19

There are three tenses of TIME- Past, Present and finally the Future. A human often struggles between these times. He/She doesn't know what to do in each one of them even though they can be dealt with a lot of ease:- We shouldn't be worried about the past as we cannot change it. So we should "let go of what was". For the present we simply have to accept it as it is to live in happily. And finally the future about which we don't know much. So just have faith and that will be for your good only.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Lessons for Life #18

This pic really says all this time and is pretty much correct i think. These all things are the ingredients for a perfect life I suppose. So this one goes down without much follow up.

Have a great day ahead.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

NITJ's Monsoon

This is the picture of my last college(NITJ) during this monsoon. All the water you see is the result of the clogging. Though water takes sometime to clear off, the weather is awesome during this time.

Doesn't it look great...!!! :)

4 Assignments in a ROW..!!

Finally the pressure of higher studies is building up with 4 assignments that are to be submitted back to back from 16th to 19th September. It seems the coming few days are going to be busy. :P

Lessons for Life #17

Everyone says life is too short but I somehow don't think so. We can do a lot of things in our this so called "short life". And the life is not declared short or long by the time we live but by the things we do. Our life would be big if other remember us. So don't think about the time you spent your life for but rather spent it by doing good deeds. Be Positive and surround yourself with positive people for you can learn a lot from them about how to live a positive life.

There is a saying by Nelson Mandela :- "There is no passion to be found playing small- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."

So play your life big and great for it will be remembered and that's the life worth living.

Have a great day and big life ahead. :) 

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Lessons for Life #16

Now this one defines hope. Don't stop anywhere in your journey towards your goal. You don't know when the destination will just pop up. It might be very close. So never loose hope, have faith in yourself and in GOD too.

You don't know what the future holds for you. So keep giving your best and the destination can come up to you anytime.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Lessons for Life #15

There is always something to learn from everybody. Now many of you may not like him. But he also has said some things which we can accept and follow in our lives. For any reason, if you do not like a rule then simply follow it, reach at the top, then change it the you want it to be. As you might have heard - "Be the change you want to see". This applies here as well- you want to change the rule, first change yourself according to it and when you are capable enough, you change it.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Lessons for Life #14

The author of the above one is unknown, but whosoever he/she is has delivered a great message. Never get tired of giving in your best, you will definitely get something if not the thing you were meant to achieve. But still you will have something and its still better than nothing. You will be closer and along the path of time you will reach your destination if you are still putting in your best efforts.

And remember that all the hard work and efforts you pay never goes in VAIN...!!!  

Saturday, 6 September 2014

My Friends- The second best gift by GOD after "parents and brother" :)

 Dedicated to my friends.

I know that they are fine but I call and ask
"kaise ho"..

I know that they can't forget me but I say them
"bas dekh liya..bhool gaye ho mujhe"..

I know that they can't go without me but I say
"zalimo mujhe bhi le ke jana"..

I know that they can't finish all stuff without me but I say
"beta akele akele"

I know that they will share everything with me but I say
"oye mujhe bhi batana"..

I know that they are with me in every problem but i say
"gum na ho jana time pe"..

I know its impossible to survive without them but i say
"bas jao ainda mujhse baat na karna"..

They are the best part of my life.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Nature's Beauty

Nature often amazes us with its beauty. At least for me this holds true as i am experiencing its beauty here in Florida. The pic and video uploaded here is merely a try to capture this amazing beauty. But still the experience in person is pretty awesome. Rainbows are common here and they are just a small part of this natural beauty.

Enjoy the nature's beauty in these two uploads...!!

Lessons for Life #13

Your attitude determines how things get to you. If you are positive then you will always see the bright side of everything. The above pic, by Linda Poindexter, says the same. One small crack is just the sign that you didn't fall apart and you just held up to yourself independent of the amount of force faced by you.

Be positive and live long. :)

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Lessons for Life #12

In your life what others think of you should not be bothering you. This is the fear that most of us face these days and it prevents us from who we truly are. We should not worry about what others think of us. Live your life the way you are and not like the one others want you to be..!!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Lessons for Life #11

I think this pic says it all this time. Just read it carefully and try to go with it in your life as your life is unique and is not at all like others. You can't judge others and same goes for you, i.e no body can judge you.

Have a great day. :)

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Lessons for Life #10

This is the another "True Story". It says that there are somethings which teach great lessons for our life:- a hungry stomach, an empty pocket, a broken heart because they can serve as the power of motivation as none others.

B bye. :)

Monday, 1 September 2014

Lessons for Life #9

powerofpositivity.com brings us yet another good one. It says you are not meant to give up before reaching your goal because your destiny is too big for that. One must keep this in mind and keep moving forward for we are destined to reach the goal.

that's it for today, have a great day. :)