Saturday, 25 October 2014

Lessons for Life #48

You might have heard a phrase :- "Be the change you want to see in the world". But beyond that there are other things we need to consider. This time too the pic says many things.

We all definitely want good persons to be around us. But the question we need to ask ourselves is "are we good too?" because we generally easily mingle and meet the persons who are like us. So if you want yourself to be surrounded by good people, be one too.

Common habit of people on earth is they talk a lot about the person's back to others and often that talk about is the things they dislike about them. This leads in the spoiling of that persons name in the eyes of those others. But people usually don't realize that they are too targeted the same way. So you want your image to be intact then stop saying those things to others, its none of your concern.

Likewise is the thing with mistakes and apologies. People usually think that seeking forgiveness is quite easy for others but they don't think its easy for them. You see "what goes around, comes around." If you forgive easily the mistakes of others you will get one soon for yours.

Human nature is usually not to love or accept all. But the thing is this is with all,  not you only. So if you want to be accepted then accept and love others. And try not to have motive, fear and judgement for/from others. I know that these are next to impossible. But as much close you can get to these characteristics the more pure and superior you become from others in this relative world.

This have been one of those long messages, time to end it. Bbye and have a great week ahead. :) 

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