Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Ugly Truth

We all know that the wealth and power is not distributed equally on this earth and instead richest 1% have enough to influence and control others. 80% of the people on earth have only 16% percent of the total wealth and richest 2% have more wealth than half of the world.

Shockingly richest 300 people have same wealth as poorest 3,000,000,000 (3 billion). This gap has evolved with time and continues to grow. 200 years ago rich countries were only 3 times richer than the poor countries and now this factor has reached to unbelievably 80, i.e. today a group of countries are 80 times richer than the rest of the countries on this planet.

Watch this video to know why instead of help given by rich countries to others, the gap still keeps on increasing.  

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